Feb. 11th Reflection
1. What did you actually learned from the unit?
  • I learned what it means to be an exceptional employee. I hadn't thought of picking up extra shifts as being an exceptional employee, however, some viewed this as being such. From my previous supervisors, they looked down upon this as it usually meant the company having to pay overtime. I think what is meant by this, is that an exceptional employee is willing to take extra shifts if it's needed. Sacrificing for the benefit of the team is considered exceptional. 

2. Discuss your feelings/experiences from the team activities? Did it change your opinion on the subject? If so, how? If not, why?
  • I enjoy hearing everyone's ideas as the often add to my own. Working in a team can be a great help. I enjoyed hearing supporting data for my team member's choices for who they voted as the "greatest leader of all time". I learned new facts about some of these leaders I did not know and feel driven to read Martin Luther King Jr.'s biography now. I do enjoy a good autobiography or biography. It's inspiring to hear what humans can be capable of...all their successes in life, but most of all, hearing the journey of how they became successful. By successful, I'm not necessarily meaning successful financially. I mean success in that they achieved their goals. 
  • Reading my teammates posts and responses broadened by understanding on the assigned topics and my respect increased for my teammates. 

3. How you will utilize the information learned in your nursing practice.
  • Reading about great leaders encouraged me to work hard to adopt the characteristics that define a great leader. Anyone can be a leader, even at a low status job. Being a leader encourages others to be better and gives them hope that they can be better. I'd like to live a life that inspires others.

4. Your personal feelings about the material covered.
  • The material from this week made me look inward to see if I have qualities of a good leader and to see the qualities I still need to hone to become a great leader. I also looked inward to see if I excel at my job, or if I'm just average. Being mediocre is not a goal of mine.  


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