Reflective Journal Due April 26th
This week I learned about how to care for a patient who needs to be physically restrained. We were presented with the following case study and asked several questions about what we would do after the situation and what we would do in the future to prevent similar situations. " A 27 year old male patient was brought to the emergency department (ED) by paramedics. The Patient was intoxicated, agitated and aggressive. The patient was a frequent flyer in the ED. The patient's behavior limited the RN and ED staff from completing a comprehensive initial assessment. For the patient's safety. Four point physical restraints were orders by the ED Physician. The RN requested that ED security apply the restraints, in accordance with hospital policy. Policy dictated that security preform a check of the patient for contraband. The RN assigned the patient to a quiet seclusion room to decrease stimulation. The hope was to allow the patient to sleep and clam the patient. Per ...