Reflective Journal- Who Moved My Cheese- April 1st

This week I enjoyed reading "Who Moved My Cheese". Here's the link:

The story is about two mice named Sniff and Scurry, and two tiny humans named Hem and Haw. They live in a maze and have to find their source of cheese in the maze. There are sections in the maze that have large amounts of cheese. Once they found a large amount of cheese in Section C, they made their home in that area and didn't wander far from Section C. As the supply of cheese slowly dwindled, Sniff sensed that soon the cheese would be gone and he'd/they would need to move on. Scurry was quick to follow the change. Haw was slow to adapt to change, but once it made sense to go with the change he did. Hem was stubborn and refused the change. 

Sniff and Scurry left long before Haw and Hem and were able to find another large source of cheese. Haw eventually left the comfort of his "home" and went in search of new cheese. Hem complained and lived in denial, thinking that cheese would eventually be put back into Section C. He didn't think it was fair. 

I was able to liken all of these characters to my life depending upon the circumstance. I feel like depending upon the situation, I’m most like Haw or Scurry. If I have seated values that conflict with a change then I’m more like Haw. Otherwise I’m like Scurry. Sometimes I’m like Sniff, especially when it comes to raising my children. When I see my children’s behaviors, whether it be attitude problems or a decline in school grades, I sniff out a problem and know that change is coming; I know that I need to make a change and come up with a plan to help my children.

When it comes to work changes, I'm most like scurry; in the process of doing, I then weigh the pros and cons of the change. It’s then that if the cons outweigh the pros, I may speak up. But I’m compliant right away and go with the change.

When it comes to having to move my family, I’m like Hem. I get really comfortable where I’m living. I like to settle down and get to know my neighbors and make my home a part of the family. We spend a lot of time in our home making memories and I can be sentimental. We have a lot of “stuff” also and I hate the thought of packing it all up and moving. Having 4 kids and several hobbies and emergency preparedness and food supply is a daunting thought to have to move. In this way I’m Hem. I like comfort and stability. In fact, the reason why I went to school to become a nurse was so we didn’t have to move abroad when my husband got laid off. Though that was a change, we didn’t have to change where we lived.

From the reading I learned that all these characters’ traits live in society and that there is a place for each of them; Hem less so though. Hems can hold back progress, but the other characters can be useful. Sniff is gifted in recognizing ahead of time when change is needed or when it's coming. Scurry gets things moving quickly, adapting quickly. Haw critiques the change to make sure it’s a wise decision. Once it makes sense, he’s on board and gets moving.

We had a class discussion about who we relate to the most. After reading the different posts, there were two quotes a couple of my team members shared that resonated with me:
There was a picture of a big circle and inside the circle it says "This is your comfort zone". Then there was another circle outside the big circle that says "This is where the magic happens". The other quote is "Life is one big mess, you just gotta roll with it." These quotes are great reminders that we will have change in our life and that change can have positive outcomes. 

This story of Who Moved My Cheese definitely helped me reflect about my life and who I'm most like. I noticed I have a little of each characteristic in me depending upon the situation and I noticed that when it comes to my job, I'm generally accepting of change and adapt. I hope to keep this in mind as I continue practicing as a nurse, but also in my life outside of work. For me, it's just not worth complaining; I'd rather do something productive. I'm not a big complainer in my life; I like to see the positive in every situation. If there's a lot of complaints about something, then I take a good look at the situation to see if I'm not seeing something that should be seen. I reevaluate and do something about it. I've had a lot of changes in my life in the past 3 years; family illness, near death experiences with family and good friends, husband laid off work and me having to go back to school full time and go back to work part time, my parents had to move in with us for a couple years ago, etc. I've had to learn to adapt to change and I view it as an adventure. It's something that at first I may dread, given the situation, but I just DO IT 99% of the time. 


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